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Wendy Templeton

1 Way to Start Loving Yourself and Others the Way God Loves you

In a world where we are barraged with a plethora of self-help checklists, a simpler approach may be a welcome alternative. In fact, I can't imagine that with everything you need to accomplish today, you need 10 more items to check off your to-do list. We are a society who looks to perfect formulas to conquer this or acquire that; unfortunately, we often find ourselves falling short or feeling underwhelmed as we scratch our heads and wonder why happiness alludes us. We miss the mark; I believe, because our gaze is fixed on the wrong target. Loving ourselves and others, even in the midst of failure, disappointments, and contention is not only possible, but it is easier than you think. So, simply put and with no further adieu, here is the first and only tip to find your self -worth and to appreciate your fellow human beings.


That's it, simple and straight forward. The concept of agape love may be familiar to you in a

conceptual way, or maybe you thoroughly understand the concept, but still struggle to live it. Agape love is the purest form of love; it is the love that Jesus used to describe God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is the love he spoke of when he instructed the disciples to love one another. It is the love He has for each one of us, all the days of our lives and into eternity. This love is holy and goodness, it is free to receive and give away. When we embrace and share it, we find that the love can transform the most broken and even the hardest of hearts.

So, how do we harness this selfless type of love? We choose it - in every moment and with every fiber of our being, no matter what. God's love is living inside of you. He has always loved you and wants you to be with Him forever. Isn't that amazing? That means, there is nothing you have ever done that can keep you from Him. He is your biggest fan, your greatest champion. The one who carries you when you can't take another step. When we recognize and accept the presence of God in ourselves, we can choose to love and forgive ourselves and one another. If God loves and forgives us, who are we to harbor disdain and an unforgiving spirit in our hearts. While speaking with His disciples shortly before His arrest and crucifixion, Jesus said: "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another." John 13:34 Notice, He didn't say love one another if the conditions are just right or when its easy; He said, love. Pure , simple, and always the right thing to do, most importantly, when it is difficult. As evil and hate continue to grow in our lost and sinful world, let us choose love: God first, others second, and ourselves third, knowing that in that order, we will be completely loved.

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